Safety is our number one priority at Flying Squirrel Sports. Our attractions are among the safest in the industry and our parks utilize our patented Shock Trampoline Park system. Our patented system greatly increases trampoline safety without compromising the enjoyment of our guests. Our staff is trained in the latest and best safety procedures and our Flight Crew is stationed throughout the park to ensure all guests comply with our park rules. Additionally, each park undergoes daily, weekly, monthly, and bi-annual safety inspections. Come fly with us…Safely!
Assumption of Risk
Participation in trampoline activities is an inherently dangerous recreational activity and involves a level of risk that each participant must evaluate on their own. By using this facility, you are assuming a risk of serious injury or death. For your safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by jumping on a trampoline. Jumping while pregnant is prohibited as well due to the increased risk of being off balance and falling. Warning! Catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death may result from failing to follow the rules below and due to inherent risks, sometimes even if all rules are followed.
Liability Waiver
All guests of Flying Squirrel are bound by the liability waiver and release set forth in the terms of the agreement that must be executed upon admittance to this facility.
- Must wear trampoline socks and required wristband.
- Somersaults not recommended.
- Do not double bounce.
- Do not sit or lie on the court.
- Wear appropriate clothing.
- No diving or double flips into the foam pits or air bag.
- Be alert of jumpers around you.
- No climbing.
- No drugs.
- No rough housing.
- No running.
- No chewing gum.
No Running or Racing
Do not run or race across the trampolines (therefore no playing games such as “Tag”).
Do Not Double Bounce
Double Bouncing is attempting to propel someone higher by timing a jump as they land on the trampoline. Avoid simultaneously jumping with others close by. It is especially dangerous for larger people to double bounce smaller people. Additionally, games such as “Crack the Egg” or “Popcorn” are not allowed due to their high probability of causing an injury.
Always Land on Both Feet
When jumping, be sure to land safely. Landing on one foot may cause serious injury.
No Double Flips
Do not attempt double flips of any kind.
No Aggressive Behavior
Do not push, tackle, wrestle, or engage in any other activity that may interfere with another jumper.
No Landing on Safety Pads
Always jump near the center of the trampoline. Do not jump directly onto the safety pads, as injury may result.
Do Not Sit or Lie Down
Never sit on top of the safety pads, trampoline mats or on the top ledge of the waterfall (ramp-like) trampolines. If you need to rest, please exit the court.
Skill Level
Attempting maneuvers beyond one's skill may cause serious injury.
Dangerous Tricks
Flips and other tricks are dangerous.
Perform at your own risk only if you have sufficient skill to avoid injury to yourself or others.
Safety Signage
Safety signs are posted throughout the entire park. Our staff will remind you of these rules while you’re jumping.
Flight Crew
Flight Crew are stationed throughout the park. They enforce safety rules, cleanliness and assist in the event of injury.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and bi-annual routine safety inspections are conducted to ensure that all equipment is in proper condition.
Bedrails and Springs
Safety padding and spring skirts cover all springs between our trampoline mats to prevent jumpers from falling on, through, or in between the springs and steel framing.
Trampoline shock absorbing suspension mounts, a connection system with a pivoting horizontal bed rail and German gas shock system incorporated directly into the trampoline park framework. When the jumper lands on the safety pads, the shock absorbing system slows the jumper down upon impact to reduce injuries.
Padded Posts
All interior columns and posts have padded covers to protect jumpers from injury.
Park Netting
No-climb netting is placed to separate attractions.
Foam Pits & Air Bag Trampolines
Our courts are engineered with a shock absorbing suspension system. Unlike other trampoline parks, our foam pit/air bag launch lanes have gas shock absorbers incorporated into the framework of each launch lane. This reduces injuries from jumpers landing on the safety pads that cover the steel frames.
All foam pits and air bags are regularly cleaned and circulated.
Our trampoline mats, pads, and platform surfaces are cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.
- No running
- No sitting or lying down
- No double bouncing
- No rough-housing
- No Tag or similar games
- Do not exceed skill level
- No intoxication
- No jumping while holding hands
- Parents cannot carry children while jumping
- No double flips or gainers (back flips moving forward)
- No electronics
- Be aware of your surroundings
- No flips
- One person per trampoline
- No kicking the basketballs
- No hanging on the rim
- No 1 on 1 games
- Do not exceed skill level
- No hanging on the hoop net
- No cross lane dunking
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Only one person at a time per trampoline launch lane
- Wait until previous jumper exits the foam pit before jumping
- No diving, landing on your stomach, or headfirst entry into the foam pit
- No gainers (backflips moving forward)
- No double flips
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- Only one person at a time on each hanging silk and lyra (hanging hoop)
- Do not tie knots in the silks
- No swinging into others
- Do not fall head first into the foam pit
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- Only one person at a time
- Wait until the previous jumper exits the foam pit or lane before starting
- Do not climb on support columns
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- Do not fall head first into the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- Only one person at a time on the slackline
- Wait until the previous jumper has exited the foam pit before starting
- No running or jumping across the slackline
- When falling or losing balance, always jump away from the slackline
- Never fall directly onto the slackline
- Do not fall head first into the foam pit
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- Only two people at a time on the battle beam
- Wait until the previous users has exited the foam pit before starting
- Do not fall head first into the foam pit
- Keep it friendly and polite
- Do not throw battle jousts
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- No sitting or lying down in the foam pit or on safety padding
- Take extra care when using this court
- Trampolines in this area provide superior height and a greater degree of difficulty and risk
- Jumpers must be over 125cm in height
- Don’t jump or land on safety padding
- Don’t attempt any activity beyond your skill level
- Only one person on each trampoline at a time
- Never land on your head
- Wear proper clothing
- Clothing should not get caught or restrict movement
- Long hair must be tied up
- Take off all jewelry
- Do not jump off the trampoline: Always do a stop bounce
- Always land on two feet at the same time and on the same surface
- When falling or landing out of control, always try to land on your feet with a stop bounce or on your back
- Avoid seat drop as a bailout
- Avoid front drop as a bailout – roll-out to your back
- Never put the arms out when falling (Forward or Backward)
- Always tuck your arms in when falling on the trampoline
- Do not land with your hands on the trampoline
- No landing with your arms back and hands facing back
- Take extra care when using this court
- Trampolines in this area provide superior height and a greater degree of difficulty and risk
- Jumpers must be over 125cm in height
- Don’t jump or land on safety padding
- Don’t attempt any activity beyond your skill level
- Only one person on each trampoline at a time
- Never land on your head
- Wear proper clothing
Clothing should not get caught or restrict movement
Long hair must be tied up
Take off all jewelry - Do not jump off the trampoline: Always do a stop bounce
- Always land on two feet at the same time and on the same surface
- When falling or landing out of control, always try to land on your feet with a stop bounce or on your back
- Avoid seat drop as a bailout
- Avoid front drop as a bailout – roll-out to your back
- Never put the arms out when falling (Forward or Backward)
- Always tuck your arms in when falling on the trampoline
- Do not land with your hands on the trampoline
- No landing with your arms back and hands facing back
- Only stand on top of the wall when you are actively using one of the wall trampolines
- No climbing or scrambling up the wall – if you can’t run up, develop your skills in other areas first
- Don’t stand on top of the wall
- Don’t climb on the back side of the wall or its supports
- Don’t stand underneath a climber
- Don’t jump off the wall into the foam pit
- Don’t cross over to put yourself directly beneath or above another climber
- Don’t climb beyond the wall top
- Don’t go beyond chest-height to the wall top
- Be alert for other climbers beneath you, who may have strayed from their routes
- Must exit the wall by climbing down to step into the foam pit or drop padding
- Do not linger in the foam pit
- No digging, throwing or playing with the foam cubes
- Before Your Climb Starts
- After you are hooked into your harness, wait for instructions.
- Don't step on the auto-belay cable while you wait to start.
- During Your climb
- Stay on the climbing route for your lane
- Don’t cross over to put yourself directly beneath or above another climber
- Don’t climb beyond the wall top
- Don’t go beyond chest-height to the wall top
- During Your Rappel Down
- Don’t kick off more than 6 or 8 feet from the wall during your rappel down
- Descend straight down, and don’t swing too close to other climbers
- Be alert for other climbers beneath you, who may have strayed from their routes
- At the End of Your Climb
- When you are lowered to the ground at the end of the climb, land on your feet
- After your climb is complete, wait for us to unhook you
- Once you have been unhooked, the staff will remove your harness
- Please do not try to remove the harness yourself
- Climber Frozen at Top
- Ask the climber to stay calm. Say that you are going to come up and help him or her down.
- Put on a harness.
- As the climber next to the frozen climber finishes his or her climb, clip into the Auto-Belay cable and climb the wall.
- When you reach the frozen climber, show the climber the climbing holds to climb down.
- NOTE: Encouraging the climber to rappel down generally will not work.
- Climber Reports Discomfort
- Ask the climber to stay calm. Ask the climber if he or she is comfortable rappelling down. If so, then ask him or her to do so. (If not, follow the procedure for “Climber frozen at top,” above.)
- If the problem is with the climber’s harness comfort, then adjust the harness, and let the climber begin climbing again.
- If a climber is unable to resume for whatever reason, unhook and send the climber back to the harness area.
- Climber Is Intentionally Reckless
- Ask the climber to take it easy. If he or she persists:
- If you do not believe adjacent climbers would be endangered, tell the reckless climber to rappel down or climb down now; or
- If you believe other climbers might be endangered, tell the reckless climber to freeze at his or her position, and ask the other adjacent climbers to rappel down first (you can let them restart once the reckless climber is removed from the wall.) Then, tell the reckless climber to either rappel down or climb down.
- Unhook the climber and send the climber to the harness area.
- Climber Too Light to Rappel Down
- Ask the climber to stay calm.
- Put on a harness.
- As the climber, next to the frozen climber finishes his or her climb, clip onto the Auto-Belay cable and climb the wall.
- When you reach the climber, grab his or her Auto-Belay cable. Then your weight and the climber’s weight will cause both of you to rappel down.
- Auto-Belay Cable Retracts to Top of Wall
- Put on a harness.
- Clip onto an Auto-Belay cable and climb the wall.
- Grab the loose Auto-Belay cable and bring it down. When you get to the bottom, attach it to the bolt hanger at the bottom of the wall.
- Only attempt obstacles within your skill level
- No double flips or gainers (forward moving backflip)
- Watch out for other participants at all times to ensure adequate spacing
- Don’t jump off or climb on fencing
Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park is a Family Fun Center in Victoria British Columbia with plenty of activities and attractions for all ages! We have child friendly areas, and safety is our top priority! We have trampolines, climbing walls, a cafe, we are your premiere entertainment destination!